Akeneo Web To Print: With the help of this extension, you can export product information from Akeneo PIM to Adobe InDesign. Akeneo Web To Print extension is specially meant for managing and exporting data for print catalog data, magazines, brochures, leaflets, or any other print material. Akeno Web To Print extension basically works as a connector between Akeneo PIM and Adobe InDesign.
Please Note - Akeneo Web To Print extension is compatible with the Community Edition, Enterprise Edition, and Cloud (PaaS/Flexibility) Edition of Akeneo.
- Create export jobs for exporting products data from Akeneo to Adobe InDesign
- Re-fetch export data from Adobe InDesign
- Send multiple images with the content
- Also works with product models
- Filter products using categories, families, locales, identifier
- Source code open for customization
Documentation - https://webkul.com/blog/akeneo-web-to-print/
Demo - https://akeneo-demo.webkul.com/Akeneo-Web2Print/demo.html
Video Tutorials
Check out the following video tutorials below:
- How to get configure Akeneo Web2Print extension with Adobe InDesign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO7uegiSyag
Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket - Webkul Support Ticket