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BigCommerce App by Webkul

Version: 1.0.0
BigCommerce App by Webkul seamlessly integrates Akeneo PIM with your BigCommerce store, allowing users to easily export and import data between Akeneo and BigCommerce. Starts with a $99 monthly subscription, and you can try it with a 7-day free trial.

BigCommerce App by Webkul lets the user connect Akeneo with BigCommerce and allows to manage the BigCommerce catalog from it. It allows the user to connect multiple Bigcommerce stores with Akeneo and perform the import and export process.

Using the app, users can export products, categories, product options, attributes, custom fields, and multiple images from Akeneo to your BigCommerce store.

Users can map the Akeneo attributes with BigCommerce attributes along with image and image description mappings as well. Mapping for Modifiers is also provided in the app.


  • Export categories, products from Akeneo to BigCommerce.
  • Select Attributes and export them as Custom Fields from Akeneo to BigCommerce.
  • Export Product Images from Akeneo to BigCommerce
  • Can filter the data for export based on Family, Completeness, Time conditions, Language, and Currency for Product Export.
  • Introduced logger settings for API request logs.
  • Distinct jobs for exporting categories, products, product models, and all data.
  • Supports multiple credential features.
  • Utilize UI Mapping to export the Default Value of Custom Fields.
  • Export variant values in the custom field.
  • Option to eliminate the trailing zero in numbers.
  • Capable of exporting Metrics attribute types in the custom field.
  • When exporting Metrics types, the Unit Code is added at the end of the value.
  • Ability to export attributes with multiple select fields. Use the label of each option, separated by commas, for multiselect.
  • User can export Boolean/number type custom fields.
  • User-friendly credential setup with Store name.
  • Feature to export custom product URLs.
  • Updated the Attribute Mapping section to include an option for product URLs.
  • Supports the export of video links in product exports.
  • User can export Image Descriptions.
  • Set Thumbnail images for Product exports.
  • Export Modifier options to BigCommerce.
  • Support for Asset, Brand and Category Export.
  • Option to import Attributes, Attribute options, Family, Family variants, Products and Product Models

Documentation: https://webkul.com/blog/akeneo-bigcommerce-app-documentation/

Release notes
Feature List : Akeneo PIM data/properties
Feature List : Connector/App capabilities
Feature List : Data synchronization