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Akeneo Icecat Module

Version: 4.0.0
The Icecat module gives the capability to enrich Akeneo PIM product data with the rich Icecat catalog. It can be used with an open Icecat free catalog.

Akeneo Icecat Module: The Icecat module gives the capability to enrich Akeneo PIM product data with the rich Icecat catalog. It can be used with both an open Icecat free catalog.


  • EAN attribute and product code will be used to match Icecat products via their web API.
  • In this Akeneo PIM attributes must also be mapped to Icecat features.
  • Akeneo products will enrich via running a product enrich job.
  • In this, you can map Icecat common attributes like Ean, Product code, Vendor (Brand), Name, Description, Short description, Summary description, Short summary description, and Pictures with Akeneo attribute through UI.
  • Icecat Akeneo Module is compatible with the latest Akeneo version 7.0.x
  • In this, you can also do other Icecat feature mapping to map other Icecat feature attribute with the Akeneo attribute.
  • You can also map the Icecat locale with the Akeneo locale.

Documentation - https://webkul.com/blog/akeneo-icecat-connector/

Live Demo - https://akeneo-demo.webkul.com/Akeneo-Icecat/demo.html


For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/

Release notes