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Alumio - Akeneo to Shopware Connector Package

Version: 2.0
The Alumio - Akeneo to Shopware Connector Package helps integrate both software in a faster and more flexible way via the Alumio iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service). Rapidly connect the Akeneo PIM software to your Shopware e-commerce platform, in order to manage and streamline a wide range of products. The Alumio connector package works by connecting the APIs of both software via the Alumio cloud-native integration platform, thereby enabling real-time data exchange.

The Alumio - Akeneo to Shopware Connector Package is a pre-built integration that helps rapidly connect both software using the Alumio iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service). As an API-driven solution, the connector package helps facilitate real-time exchange between the Akeneo PIM software and your Shopware e-commerce platform, which helps businesses manage, optimize, and improve listings of a wide range of products. It also ensures that the products are always synced correctly without the need for additional plugins. Building the integration using the Alumio - Akeneo to Shopware Connector Package, via the Alumio iPaaS, allows the flexibility of adding customizations to your integrations without any loss of data integrity.

What the Alumio - Akeneo to Shopware connector package delivers

  • Integration Data Routes
    These pre-configured data routes are working ‘process flows’ that determine how the two integrated software interact with each other. For example, a properly configured data route determines that the ‘products’ from Akeneo sync correctly with Shopware. In order to configure or modify these data routes, the Alumio iPaaS offers Mappers and Transformers that allow you to map incoming data from one software to another integrated software while transforming it into a format that works.

  • API Connectors
    API Connectors allow you to access and use the data provided by the APIs in order to create your own custom data routes. The API Connectors can be used to create a stable connection to the Akeneo and Shopware APIs, enabling the required authentications for both software to integrate. It not only instantly acquire all the information from the connected web services, but it can also be used for sending data between both software.

What the connector package helps connect

  • Products
    All Akeneo product entities are connected to Shopware products.

  • Product model Variants
    Akeneo product models are converted to Shopware product variants.

  • Realtime Property Groups (attributes)
    Upon communicating (create, update) products, properties are checked, updated, and created on Shopware as needed.

  • Custom fields (attributes)
    Communicate Akeneo attributes to Shopware custom fields.

  • Custom attributes value
    Communicate Akeneo attributes to Shopware custom fields.

  • Manufacturer data f.e. Tax, Scale Unit, Delivery Time value
    Akeneo attributes as mentioned to Shopware custom entities

  • Sales Channel
    Akeneo channel to Shopware sales channel to enable different information on channels.

  • Images
    Enable or disable sending images from Akeneo to Shopware​​​

  • PDFs
    Enabled or disable sending PDFs from Akeneo to Shopware

  • Prices (as part of the product entity)
    Send prices from Akeneo to Shopware via a separate transformer available to update prices and enable performance

  • Stock (as part of the product entity)
    Send stock from Akeneo Stock to Shopware via a separate transformer available to update stock and enable performance

  • Cross-sell products
    All Akeneo cross-sell groups are sent to Shopware by creating a 'cross-sell' group in Shopware.

  • Categories
     Emulate Akeneo categories to Shopware categories by mapping existing category trees from Akeneo to Shopware’s category trees.

Integration overview Akeneo to Shopware

Use the connector package via the Alumio iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service)

To run the Alumio - Akeneo to Shopware Connector Package, you will also need an account on the Alumio cloud-native, low-code integration platform.

To create an Alumio account that best suits your integration requirements, feel free to get in touch to get a tailored Alumio Pricing Plan →

How to create your Akeneo to Shopware configurations with Alumio

  • Do it yourself
    The Alumio iPaaS provides a user-friendly, low-code interface that helps configure integrations via simple click-and-configure options, without the need for custom code.

  • Get help from your Shopware, Akeneo, or Alumio partner
    Your integration partner can help configure the integration, add logic, and create customization using the advanced features of the Alumio iPaaS, such as transformers, mappers, and workflow automation.  

In both ways, the following steps are suggested:

Step 1: Sign up for the Alumio iPaaS and install connector package

Buy an account and the connector package via any of Alumio’s partners or on www.alumio.com

Step 2: Add credentials and mapping via Alumio’s interface
  • Add basic configuration
    Configure basic information like adding credentials and connection URLs to the correct paths of the APIs using the Alumio iPaaS.

  • Build mapping
    Your implementation starts with defining which attributes are available in your source system and need to be mapped to your connected system. Use Alumio’s easy-to-use interface to create the mappings needed for your integration.

Step 3: Add edge cases 

The Alumio integration features allow you to add specific requests or business logic in the integration - if required.

Step 4: Final testing

After all the mappers are set up and all attributes are checked, you can conduct a final test to make sure everything is as expected.

Maintenance and customizations

After configuring the basic integration, Alumio provides robust monitoring and logging that automatically detects errors or anomalies. For customizations, Alumio provides advanced developer-friendly integration features that allow you to flexibly adjust or modify your integrations by yourself or via a partner.


The Alumio - Akeneo to Shopware Connector is compatible with all versions of Akeneo up to PIM V.6 and V.7.0 and is compatible with Shopware 6 Community, Professional, and Enterprise Editions.

The connector is available on the Shopware, Alumio, and Akeneo Marketplace and can be used with both the Akeneo PIM Community Edition and Akeneo PIM Enterprise Edition. Note: Shopware 5 and Shopware Cloud editions are available upon request.

More Information

About Memo-ICT, creator of the Alumio - Akeneo to Shopware Connector Package 

Memo-ICT is a Shopware and Alumio-certified Dutch Digital Agency that has rich experience with integrating Akeneo with Shopware many times in the last few years. Leveraging this experience, Memo-ICT created this connector package for the Alumio Integration Platform. This connector package enables customers to easily map the desired fields and attributes from the API of Akeneo to Shopware. Memo-ICT runs integration projects as a service, but you can also buy the integration package from the store. 

For more information visit https://memo-ict.nl/over-ons/ 

About Alumio

Alumio is a cloud-native, low-code iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service). It helps organize future-proof IT landscapes by making it easy and accessible to create multiple systems, SaaS software, APIs, or data points they need. Helping create, monitor, and manage integrations via a user-friendly interface, without custom code, Alumio provides simplified control over your data across all integrations and helps unlock data silos for better digital growth. It enables synchronization, flexible data transformation, and workflow automation between all integrated systems.

For more information visit https://www.alumio.com/

Features and Benefits 

  • Full integration visibility: Enable data centralization
    The Alumio low-code integration platform provides a clear visual overview of all your integrated data flows, provides integration health monitors, and helps unlock data silos.
  • Connector packages: Get faster Time to Market
    Apart from standard integration capabilities to connect any system or software via APIs, Alumio provides a rich library of connector packages to help build faster integrations with popular software.
  • Automated Monitoring and Logging: Benefit from lower error cost
    The robust monitoring and logging system of Alumio enables real-time error detection and also provides security alerts to help prevent the expense of integration errors.
  • Integration interchangeability: Build flexible and scalable integrations
    Interchange integrated systems flexibly without loss of data integrity, freely add new systems to existing integrations in a scalable way, and enable software connectivity for legacy systems.
  • Be compliant and Secure: Ensure business
    Organize a secure and privacy-compliant IT landscape that is able to act upon any worst-case scenario. Buffer all data, benefit from reactivation procedures, and comply with privacy legislation like GDPR.
Feature List : Akeneo PIM data/properties
Feature List : Connector/App capabilities
Feature List : Data synchronization