All | AI Cleaning & Enrichment | 9 Apps

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by Newtone
Newtone is the AI platform for retailers to generate, enrich and translate branded product descriptions. Newtone's AI is trained on your company tone-of-voice, brand guidelines and format and can replicate them perfectly. Newtone has specific SEO-friendly technologies included in its AI. No promptin…
AI Cleaning & EnrichmentAI translationEnrichmentGenerative AITranslationApp
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AI Product Data Generator (AI-PDG) by The PIM Company

by The P.I.M. Company GmbH
AI-Product Data Generator (AI-PDG) helps you streamline adding product data to your products and product models. You simply have to provide Akeneo product attributes and AI-PDG will turn those into an engaging product description.…
AI Cleaning & EnrichmentAI translationEnrichmentGenerative AITranslationApp
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ContentWise Catalog Builder App

by Contentwise
This app will sync incomplete products from Akeneo into your Contentwise Catalog Builder deployment, enrich them according to your product attributes and then export them back to your Akeneo PIM.…
EnrichmentAI Cleaning & EnrichmentApp
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Market Boost | powered by iMerit

by iMerit
Elevate sales with MarketBoost, our tailored product listing service. Our skilled copywriters create accurate, persona-driven listings that captivate your target audience. Seamlessly integrate our solution for to your catalogs and get a personalized quote today!…
AI Cleaning & EnrichmentEnrichmentApp
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Grand Shooting - Catalog Sync

by Grand Shooting
The top AI-driven company dedicated to image analytics and treatment at scale and in real time. This App is dedicated to catalog synchronisation between Akeneo and Grand Shooting instances.…
AI Cleaning & EnrichmentDAMMarketplaceCustom App
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ContentWise Catalog Builder Connector

by Contentwise
This connector will import incomplete products from Akeneo into your Contentwise Catalog Builder deployment, enrich them according to your product attributes and then export them back to your Akeneo deployment.…
EnrichmentAI Cleaning & EnrichmentConnector
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